"I'm getting ready to retire and want to be proactive with where and how I live."

Are you considering downsizing or moving in with your children?
Would you rather stay in your current home and community?
Are you overwhelmed about where to start the process to make that decision?
Would it be helpful to have a second party assist you in looking at the big picture to help determine what the best decision for you is?
Whether you are 6 months, a year, or years from retirement you undoubtedly recognize that life will look different during this time.
Individuals plan financially for their retirement! For decades they work with a financial advisor to be prepared.
However, there really hasn’t been anyone to assist you in looking at your space, how much you will need, and what that space should look like.

As individuals age, their lifestyle continues at a much more active pace than their parents and most people today are unwilling to accept limitations.
After all, haven’t you worked your entire life for this season?
Often the most simple, doable changes can create a space that will meet your needs now and as you age.
Whether it is an alteration, addition, or elimination, you can be proactive to make your home a safe place for you to age with preparedness, prevention, and safety at the forefront.