Our Services
With our unique combination of cutting-edge technology and real world experience, we improve productivity and safety while reducing recordable injuries and absenteeism.
Job Safety Assessments
Using the latest technology, we identify risks and implement strategies to prevent injuries before they occur. We conduct thorough assessments of your workspace or environment to ensure it promotes optimal posture and reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.
Onsite Injury Prevention Training
Through workshops and training sessions, we empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills to prevent injuries and promote a culture of safety. Whether conducting "train the trainer" sessions or speaking directly with front line employees, our training is tailored to the intended audience and improves safety awareness.
3D Movement Analysis
We provide you with real-time quantifiable data that allows prioritization of the most at-risk tasks and positions.
Useful Solutions
Whether recommending postural modifications, ergonomic grips, or specialized tools, we help you select the right solution to support your team and bottom line.
Training Materials and Programs
From postural education, setting up job simulations, creating educational materials, or gold standard task performance measures, we can work together to improve the onboarding process.